Scientific [Self] Isolation

Report identifies international standards of disinformation based on fact-checking database

Scientific [Self] Isolation

The “Scientific [Self] Isolation report makes comparative analyses on international patterns of disinformation based on an international database on fact-checking. Cross-checking information from 129 different countries and investigating fake news about pharmacological treatments linked to Covid19, it identifies and elaborates on the specificities of the Brazilian public debate, which is far from the international discussion.

Produced in November 2020, the research analyses the global database of the CoronaVirusFacts Alliance/International Fact-Checking Network (as well as the Portuguese and Spanish subset of the Latam Chequea) and has a team of members from LAUT, the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD), Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) and Vero Project.

This work is the second in the Infected Democracy series, which looks at freedom of democratic expression and public debate dynamics in digital environments.

The analysis was conducted by Caio C. Vieira Machado, Nina Santos, João Guilherme Santos and Luiza Bandeira.

Download the report.