Emergency Agenda

Monitoring the risks to freedom and democracy during the pandemic

Emergency Agenda

The result of extensive research in national and international sources, the Emergency Agenda brings together acts and behaviors of state authorities that might threaten freedom and democracy during the pandemic in Brazil. The platform currently covers events from February to May 2020, portraying the first months of the sanitary crisis in Brazil. It will be weekly expanded to include updates for recent and past events. 

The platform catalogs events of significant repercussion and others that, although unnoticed or underappreciated at first, might also be impactful when we have a broader view of the facts. All events are sorted into categories that help examine the risks for democratic decline, for short- and the long-term analysis.

The project addresses the challenges arising from both the worldwide democratic decline and the more recent sanitary crisis, which has been seen as an opportunity for authoritarian leaders to expand their powers, to limit accountability mechanisms and to implement anti-democratic normative or institutional changes.

You can access the Emergency Agenda here.