Academic Freedom in Brazil

Report presents an overview of different dimensions of academic freedom threatened in Brazil

Academic Freedom in Brazil

The “Academic Freedom” report investigates to what extent different dimensions of academic freedom have come under threat in Brazil. It also sheds light on recent efforts to promote academic freedom before concluding with several recommendations for Brazilian and international policymakers.

Produced in September 2020, this study intends to present a broad picture of the dynamics involving academics, non-academics and state bodies in Brazil. The report comprises information reported by the press and various research initiatives, and also the results of a preliminary survey with academics at different public and private universities throughout the country.

This work is published under the Free Universities: Putting the Academic Freedom Index Into Action initiative developed by the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) and the V-Dem Institute

The analysis was conducted by LAUT researchers Conrado Hübner Mendes, Adriane Sanctis de Brito, Bruna Angotti, Fernando Romani Sales, Luciana Silva Reis and Natalia Pires de Vasconcelos

Download the report.